Introductory Resources

Talisman Apprentice
LIVE weekly meditations with Patricia, exclusive community access, and so much more.

Morning & Evening Routines Challenge
Learn a few simple behaviors to do each morning that can shift your personal development into personal POWER!

Practical Practices
The Practical Practice Workshops are helpful 🪄personal development tools and practices 🪄for busy people!
For Deeper Learning

Sidewalk Oracles: Finding Your Next Right Step
The Sidewalk Oracles Challenge is a technique with Patricia Tallman leading you through a simple process to Find Your Next Right Step.

How to Tame Your Fear Dragon
Online Playshop with Patricia Tallman. Don’t just survive: Let’s THRIVE!
Your life is precious. You deserve a life that feels MAGICAL.

A Year of Magical Living
A whole year's curriculum of masterclasses and engagement, making your life become more fulfilling, more vibrant and into the magical adventure you deserve.
Client Success Stories

I took one of Pat's classes when I turned 42 and that was a big help for me. I never really took the time to figure out what I wanted, you know? It was a good investment for me and a big step in my self improvement.
- S. R.

You have helped me get myself moving on my writing and to look at the underlying causes of my paralysis. The meditations have really been a help in relaxing and reflection.
- F.H.

"What I love about what you’re doing with Magical Living [is] that it can be both a platform to read, learn and reflect on what you share, and also a community of people all on their own journeys, sharing and supporting one another."
- B. J., UK