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Sidewalk Oracles

Finding Your Next Right Step

The Sidewalk Oracles Challenge is a technique with Patricia Tallman leading you through a simple process to Find Your Next Right Step.

Register now for $47!

"Let your curiosity lead you down a road that is less traveled."


You're Not Alone

No matter what it is you are desiring to achieve, you have answers waiting to come forward. 

While other people LOVE to tell you what to do, it rarely feels "right." Often, it actually feels soul-sucking! 

ONLY YOU know what the next step is for you. However, you might feel stuck, or find yourself unsure of which direction to turn.

An image of Pat smiling, flowers in the background.
An image of a feather falling into someone's hand.

It's Simple!

I am going to show you a simple process, think of it as a quest, to use ANYTIME you want more answers. You’ll practice with me, in real time, and find answers along the way.

This is NOT a religious practice but a way of reaching deeper clarity in yourself. 

YOU HAVE access to answers! Life can get in the way. So let’s work with the life around us and let the answers reveal themselves!

Register Now!
What you get:

A Simple Technique 

Receive the answers that are right for YOU. 

Receptivity Training 

You’ll learn how your deepest wisdom communicates with you.

Accompanying eBook 

20-page eBook with the science and steps fully outlined for you.

4 Days of Guidance   

The Sidewalk Oracles package comes with FOUR videos of guidance from Patricia. 

10 Bonus Meditations

You’ll receive 10 bonus meditations to help keep you connected to your highest self.

Exclusive Community Access

You'll receive an invitation to our exclusive community platform where you can connect with me and other likeminded folks!

& Resilience   

You’ll learn to trust that you can find your next steps.

Real Answers  

You’ll get answers! Some that will surprise you!

Personal Attention

You’ll be guided through the journey by Patricia to help you feel more confident in those answers.

A person lost in the fog.

Find Clarity

🪶 Are you afraid of making a wrong step?

🪶 Do you know you need to make a move but unsure of the direction to go?

🪶 Are there days when you just feel so stuck?

🪶 Do you crave some clarity around questions you can’t seem to resolve?

🪶 Would you love to have more heartfulness in your days?

You have a super power

Your highest and deepest wisdom that comes from a place so far beyond fear. It comes from the center of YOU. It’s loving, wise and compassionate.

It’s always sending you messages. But how do you know what is coming from your deepest wisdom, or from your ego?

How do you get around the Fear of making a wrong move?

How do you quiet your busy monkey mind enough to let that higher wisdom be heard?
Fear is very loud!

Your highest "self" speaks softly. But it always answers when you ask!
Every. Single. Time.

I’ll show you how to honor your inner knowing so it gets louder, easier to see and understand.

A woman appearing to float.

"Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

How it works: 

✔️ I will guide you through clarifying your question, to which you want an answer, for the day's quest.

✔️ We’ll take some time to "drop into receptivity." Don’t worry, I’ll show you!

✔️ Then we walk for 25 minutes and take in the clues.

✔️ When we finish the walk, I’ll guide you through to writing out the clues, and discerning the answers.

✔️ Each day you will receive guidance from me for the next day!

✔️ You'll have your accompanying eBook to look over, too!

Patricia standing beside an fantasy owlery.

Join Me!

This is a fun and easy quest! Your personal, magical scavenger hunt!
Are you ready to engage with your higher Wisdom?

This is a process I have used in my groups on a Quest Retreat, my travel company (I call it Adventures for Nerds like me). It’s incredible what comes through for them.

Personally, the messages I have received through this process have changed my life in wondrous ways.
I wish I had known this sooner!

It’s my mission to share this with you so you don’t have to spend any more time not knowing the answers you desire!

You’re about to embark on a quest that will give you a new process for finding your way in this chaotic and overwhelming world.

Register Now for $47!

How awesome is this?!


You’ll receive:

🎥 4 videos walking you through every day

📖 A 20 page ebook full of notes, inspiration, and a recommended reading list

🧘 Bonus pack of 10 meditations

🤝 AND exclusive access to our private community platform where you can ask me questions and hang out with other likeminded folks!

A person smiling while working.

Invest in Yourself

Research shows that if you invest in yourself, you are more likely to follow through! 

Knowing how to find your next right step is a foundational skill for all of us.

You’ll have the science-backed program to use anytime you need to check your direction, find answers or just want to communicate more deeply with yourself.

I can’t think of a more valuable skill and it’s my heartfelt gift to you!

Sidewalk Oracles

Finding Your Next Right Step

The Sidewalk Oracles Challenge is a technique with Patricia Tallman leading you through a simple process to Find Your Next Right Step.

You'll get:

🪶 4 Days of Replays
🪶 20 page eBook of tips and techniques to personalize the practice
🪶 Bonus pack of TEN meditations
🪶 Recommended reading list to keep encouraging you on your path

All this for $47!

Register Now!

"I took one of Pat's classes when I turned 42 and that was a big help for me... It was a good investment for me and a big step in my self improvement journey."

-S.T., USA

"The acceptance and positive approach of Patricia meant I could without judgment or shame just face me and my issues and be open and honest and deal with them."

-J. S, UK

"[Pat has] helped me get myself moving on my writing and to look at the underlying causes of my paralysis. The meditations have really been a help in relaxing and reflection."

-F. H., USA

About Your Guide Patricia 

Greetings! I’m Patricia Tallman.

I’m a woman on a mission to help you live a gorgeous fulfilling life, that feels like one big magical adventure!

I’ve been an actor and a stunt woman. Some of you may know my acting career, in sci-fi and horror movies.

But most of you are meeting me for the first time.

I am a huge nerd.

I grew up loving science fiction like Star Trek, Doctor Who, Star Wars! In between were all the Tolkien books, and now those films too. I relate to those stories and have always wanted to go on an adventure, like Bilbo!

I LOVE the idea of magic, that by focus and intention I could actually create the things and events I wanted.

It turns out that we CAN.

An image of Pat.
An image of Pat leaping into the air with a sword from her past stuntwoman work.

I became an actor, then a stunt woman.

I was working really hard, because I love what I do.

And then I had a series of events in my life that were kinda like the middle of the film where everything goes to shit and all hope seems to be lost. I was Frodo at his lowest but I had no Sam to carry me along.

I followed that still, quiet instinct of survival (I can teach you how) that led me to meeting and studying with some incredible coaches such as Martha Beck, Brendon Bruchard, and studying the work of many others: Mel Robbins, Tony Robbins, among many other fantastic people for emotional, business and spiritual growth. 

And damn if it didn’t work. Well not all of it, which is why I say I curated the info, lessons and tools to be the ones that really WORKED.

After teaching and creating workshops and masterclasses for the past decade, I bring my experience and all my mentors' wisdom to the Magical Living Community.

What led an actor/stunt person into the world of personal development?

A massive desire to help people reconnect to their dreams and to feel the magic that life has to offer.

In our lifetime, never has the need been greater to help ourselves find our way through insane amounts of chaos, stress and anxiety.

I am putting everything I have into transformational classes, workshops, retreats and building a community to give you, my friend, a magical platform to leap into the universe from!

And doing it I am! (Yoda voice)

If this sounds interesting to you, I would LOVE you to join me!

Patricia meditating in front of a

"Creativity flows when curiosity is stoked."

- Neil Blumenthal

Sidewalk Oracles

Finding Your Next Right Step

The Sidewalk Oracles Challenge is a technique with Patricia Tallman leading you through a simple process to Find Your Next Right Step.

You'll get:

🪶 4 Days of Replays
🪶 20 page eBook of tips and techniques to personalize the practice
🪶 Bonus pack of TEN meditations
🪶 Recommended reading list to keep encouraging you on your path

All this for 47!

Register Now!