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How To Tame Your Fear Dragon™

with Hollywood Stuntwoman Patricia Tallman

Revolutionize your approach to anxiety and fear with Patricia’s empowering Masterclass.

Your comprehensive package includes 4 engaging videos, direct access to Patricia in a lively interactive group, and a detailed 20-page eBook—providing you with the tools and support needed for your transformative journey.

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Fear is Deceptive

Fear is a dragon that morphs and hides in unexpected corners of our lives, influencing decisions and shaping behaviors far beyond what we might initially recognize. It can be tiny, but roar up into a behemoth when challenged.

For you, who are on the brink of transformation yet feel inexplicably held back, understanding these hidden manifestations of fear could be the key to unlocking your full potential.

For example:

Have you ever wondered why you get stuck in your career no matter how hard you try?


You just don’t seem to be able to make much progress towards health or fitness goals?

Fear often hides behind common behaviors, affecting your progress in ways you might not realize. Here are some sneaky ways it can show up for you:


What looks like laziness could actually be fear of failure (or success) in disguise, keeping you stuck.


Getting lost in thoughts and worrying about every possible outcome is often fear trying to protect you from making mistakes.


Striving for perfection can actually be fear of criticism or not being good enough, which stops you from sharing your work or moving forward.


Skipping activities or opportunities might seem like disinterest but is usually a way to dodge situations that scare us, such as social settings or new challenges.


Getting lost in thoughts and worrying about every possible outcome is often fear trying to protect you from making mistakes.


Resisting change may feel like playing it safe but is often about fearing loss of control and the unknowns that come with new experiences.

⚔️ Put down the weight of your armor

and befriend your powerful Fear Dragon as your ally. It flies you towards freedom from self-imposed barriers and into realms of success and fulfillment you've only imagined. You’ll be more powerful than ever!

Do you dream of making impactful contributions to causes dear to you? Realize that vision through newfound financial freedom and confidence gained by understanding the hidden Faces of Fear™ within.

Patricia will guide you through shedding the weight of constant stress. Together, we'll explore a world where achieving goals comes naturally—where creating more joy, abundance, and purpose in life is not just achievable but enjoyable.
Are you ready to walk hand-in-hand with your fears towards a brighter future? Let’s turn apprehension into action, together.

Find Thrill

There’s nothing wrong with feeling mostly satisfied, but is your day to day life missing the zing? That THRILL? Are there places in your life you crave to hit another level?

If you are thinking “I don’t know how" or  "Who am I to do this?" you are not alone! Many of my students have thought that way and yet have achieved their beautiful dreams!

In these 4 videos, 20 page PDF playbook and forum with Pat, we will show you how you can do it too!

Battling Overwhelm

Perhaps you want to make changes in your life but it just feels overwhelming!

The progress you do make feels SO HARD, depleting, and not at all enjoyable.

Do you think you are a procrastinator?  Have you ever struggled with motivation?

Would you like to create something extraordinary? 

You are busy! You don’t have time to figure it all out! You just want to do the right things and know you’re on the right track!

Wouldn’t it be great if someone else could figure it out and then just give you the steps to take? 

 Your wish is granted! Here it is! 

Buy now!

The Blame Game

The first thing I want to help you to learn is that a lack of motivation or habit of procrastination is NOT YOUR FAULT.

It’s a protective mechanism! And it’s how the brain is hardwired.

Our brains are programmed to skew to the negative!

It was necessary for survival millenia ago.

But it’s not very helpful anymore! I will show you step by step how to reprogram your brain and open up to more peace and joy.

This is just a tiny bit of what I teach you in this masterclass.

And for the first time you can get this whole class, Playbook and simple frameworks, without purchasing the whole program!

Being stuck in a really miserable place and having NO idea how to change it is a rotten feeling. I never want anyone to have to feel the way I did back in 2011. That was a dark time. 

But what came out of it is this masterclass with the steps for you to take to get you going again!

How To Tame Your Fear Dragon is the first masterclass in a series called The Science of Magic™. 

Underneath the logical reasons you are not progressing is something else.

All the s*#t that tells you why you shouldn’t do what you want to do, has something else behind it.

These are disguises that Fear wears, masks that keep you from knowing what’s going on because once you do, you can overcome it!

Behind these Faces of Fear is the Master Guardian, the Fear Dragon! The Guardian just wants to protect you! It thinks it’s saving you... keeping you from doing anything new!

"You have helped me get myself moving on my writing and to look at the underlying causes of my paralysis. The meditations have really been a help in relaxing and reflection."

- F. R.

Your Guardian

Once you become friends with your guardian, the Fear Dragon, you can turn fear into a mutant power! 

While others become incapacitated by fear, you will see fear for what it truly is: an essential part of being human. 

You’ll be able to see the clues fear is showing you.

And by making friends with your guardian Fear Dragon you become very powerful.

Reclaim Your Energy

Think of all the energy you expend trying to do things the old way. 

What if you could reclaim that energy and use it to get to where you want to go? 

Instead of staying stuck, never making any progress, you can make this the year your life really rocks.
You can see what your fear is really showing you by pulling off the masks.

You will disarm fear and dissolve it.

It will never be able to stop you in the same way again. 

Once you know this, you will always have the power to be in control of your response to fear, see what it’s showing you, and go get what you want!

It’s my mission to share this with you, so you can make your life feel absolutely magical!

Life is precious! Let’s live it fully

Let’s have no regrets. 

Let’s not let fear or excuses get in the way.

Are you ready to understand yourself on a whole new level?

Do you really want to move into a more powerful position, become Captain of your own ship, and guide your life towards the magical place of your dreams?

It’s possible! It’s simple! It might take practice but it’s well within your reach. 

Imagine what you could do if you knew the ways your brain tries to protect you from change.

The Fear Dragon finds any kind of change threatening to you!  

It finds new things dangerous!

So it will stop at nothing to keep you safe. I call the amygdala the Fear Dragon, who sees itself as your protective guardian.

You want to do new things and change some old habits but the amygdala isn’t designed to support this!

I teach you how to incorporate  other parts of the brain so you can succeed in achieving the changes and making the progress you desire.

MOST people never do this work. 

If you are interested, then you are UNIQUE!

Join me in learning and practicing these concepts in the real world.

REALLY turn things around for yourself. 

Once you hear this, you’ll ALWAYS be able to take action, achieve peace, and clarity...whatever and whenever you wish! 

YES! I am ready to buy!
"The meditations have been a great anchor for taking the time and space for peace, and to be in tune with myself. These periods of peace have helped to be more present, and conscious of thoughts and feelings."


"You really change my understanding of my relationship to my feelings. One of the most consequential bits of understanding in my life.
Thank you again."

-M. F.

"I greatly respect all the work you do, holding this space for the group and bringing what you've learned on your own personal journey, and how your experiences help others find their centre too."

-B. J.

Sign me up!

Make Bold Changes

Sometimes you don’t move towards your dreams because that means you'll need to change.

Your Dragon doesn't want you to change!

You have to become uncomfortable for a while, until the new habits become ingrained. 

Sometimes friends and family are discouraging of our dream goal. It happens! 

That’s why we have our support team in the Magical Living Community!

Change is a normal human fear. Change means risk, and our brain resists and avoids risk!

So what can you do?

Conquer Your Fears with Science

We understand it's the amygdala trying to stop you from embracing change. But, we've got the tools and techniques to outsmart it.

Faces of Fear can keep you from making decisions that move forward:

“Oh brother, more of that self help woowoo stuff” or
“I have tried so many things and none of them work” or
“I need practical techniques, not someone’s weirdo ideas!”

What you’ll learn is all grounded in brain science.

#BFF Studies show that when you celebrate your wins, such as reframing unhelpful thoughts, you teach the Reticular Activating System, (the brain’s neural net) , to keep helping you.

It will help you WIN!

#BFF Those studies show it builds self confidence and increases resilience!!!

You’ll learn how to lock it in to change your life!

Overcome Despair with Simple Solutions

If you sometimes have feelings of Hopelessness or Anger or Frustration (Faces of Fear) , I get it.

I promise you that you will learn something new about yourself, and how to handle it.

It won’t be complicated.

It’s simple work, but...

Sometimes it's not easy because of old habits we have fallen into. You’ll have solutions. Together we will create NEW habits! Ones that support your dream goals.

AND the bonus is, once you get going, it gets a lot easier!

These are proven brain and behavioral science techniques that we have used in my classes, workshops and community over the past 12 years with fantastic results.

You’ll have actual tools to use, and simple steps to take to make the progress you desire.

If you feel Discomfort or Resistance, (yep, Faces of Fear) - barriers for some people, and that is an indication you are in the right place!


Video 1:

You will learn:

  • About your amygdala, The Fear Dragon
  • How to immediately calm and de-stress your mind
  • 15 tools to achieve what you want 
  • 11 BFFs (Brain Fun Facts, based in science!)
  • The difference between Clean Fear and Dirty fear
  • What lies underneath that Dirty Fear
  • The question to ask yourself, which is the kryptonite to your Limiting Beliefs

Video 2:

You will learn:

  • What the RAS is, your mutant power, and how to activate 
  • How to open up and creatively visualize your action steps.
  • About how fear disguises itself with Faces, many of which seem oh so reasonable!
  • How to set yourself up to WIN and preparing yourself for action!

Video 3:

You will learn:

  • How to create your Fear Busting routine! 
  • How to create a mantra to bust that fear!
  • About writing Affirmations that will actually WORK
  • How gratitude and fear cannot exist in the same moment - a POWERFUL tool!
  • Naming your fear dragon!
  • The tools to use when your fear has you pinned to the floor!
  • All the steps you need to take to overcome any stuck or fearful situation and be able to use these steps over and over again!

With BONUS Video 4: Q&A

Patricia answers common questions from Fear Dragon members like you! Questions include:

  • What are some tips for those of us who struggle with visualization?  
  • How does playing the victim keep you safe?
  • What can I do as someone who appears to be afraid of success, but can’t pinpoint what I'm actually afraid of?
  • Do you have any tips on going for my goals when it feels like the people around me won’t support me?
  • Is it too late in life for me to start making these changes? 

And many more! Plus, you can ask your own questions in our online community for Pat to answer directly.

What you get

4 Videos (over 100 minutes of guidance!)

20 page playbook to follow along

Supportive community access  

A guided meditation to keep your brain happy!

Buy now!

This Masterclass is normally part of a much bigger program called The Year of Magical Living:The Science of Magic™.


We’d love for you to see how effective these tools are and reap the benefits of going for your goals!


Normally $297, for a short time, as an introduction to us, we are offering this at $197. 

100 Dollars off !

Click the button below to join! You won't be charged until after you agree to pay on the following page.


Click the button below to join! You won't be charged until after you agree to pay on the following page.


Your Guide, Patricia

Greetings! I’m Patricia Tallman.

I’m a woman on a mission to help you live a gorgeous fulfilling life, that feels like one big magical adventure!

And you’ll be with me, live in person on zoom, several times a month if you want. 

I’ve been an actor and a stunt woman. Some of you may know my acting career, in sci-fi and horror movies.

But most of you are meeting me for the first time.

I am a huge nerd.

I grew up loving science fiction like Star Trek, Doctor Who, Star Wars! In between were all the Tolkien books, and now those films too. I relate to those stories and have always wanted to go on an adventure, like Bilbo!

I LOVE the idea of magic, that by focus and intention I could actually create the things and events I wanted.

It turns out that we CAN.

I became an actor, then a stunt woman.

I was working really hard, because I love what I do.

And then I had a series of events in my life that were kinda like the middle of the film where everything goes to shit and all hope seems to be lost. I was Frodo at his lowest but I had no Sam to carry me along.

I followed that still, quiet instinct of survival (I can teach you how) that led me to meeting and studying with some incredible coaches such as Martha Beck, Brendon Bruchard, and studying the work of many others: Mel Robbins, Tony Robbins, among many other fantastic people for emotional, business and spiritual growth. 

And damn if it didn’t work. Well not all of it, which is why I say I curated the info, lessons and tools to be the ones that really WORKED.

After teaching and creating workshops and masterclasses for the past decade, I bring my experience and all my mentors' wisdom to the Magical Living Community.

What led an actor/stunt person into the world of personal development?

A massive desire to help people reconnect to their dreams and to feel the magic that life has to offer.

In our lifetime, never has the need been greater to help ourselves find our way through insane amounts of chaos, stress and anxiety.

I am putting everything I have into transformational classes, workshops, retreats and building a community to give you, my friend, a magical platform to leap into the universe from!

And doing it I am! (Yoda voice)

If this sounds interesting to you, I would LOVE you to join me!

"It is very much worth the money and time… Magical Living certainly played a major role in changing how I walk within myself today.
Thank you, Pat! 

-J. S.

"I took one of Pat's classes when I turned 42 and that was a big help for me. I never really took time to figure out what I wanted, you know? It was a good investment for me and a big step in my self improvement journey."

-S. T.

"The parts about fear, limiting beliefs and where we get stuck are really essential. I appreciate the playsheet really highly and I will soon go through it again with a pen and paper. What I value most is that it not only helps with negative aspects of life, but it also teaches us how to handle these."

-I. D.

Take the leap with me!

You get:

4 videos with over 100 minutes of guidance!

 A 20 page eBook full of exercises to do as you follow along

⭐ Access to our supportive Magical Living community where I personally answer your questions

⭐ A guided meditation to keep your brain in its happy place!

Click the button below and let's tame that Fear Dragon together!

Buy now!

Take the leap with me!

You get:

4 videos with over 100 minutes of guidance!

 A 20 page eBook full of exercises to do as you follow along

⭐ Access to our supportive Magical Living community where I personally answer your questions

⭐ A guided meditation to keep your brain in its happy place!

Click the button below and let's tame that Fear Dragon together!

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