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The Talisman Apprentice
Step into a world of endless opportunities!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?

As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let me share with you some practical strategies that will help you along the way.

Register now!

The Talisman Apprentice
Step into a world of endless opportunities!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the realms of Sci-Fi and Fantasy converge with personal growth and development?

As a Talisman Apprentice, you have a unique opportunity to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve success while being supported by a community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let me share with you some practical strategies that will help you along the way.

Register now!
What you get

Monday Meditations 

LIVE Guided Meditations every Monday with Pat to help you relax and face the coming week with confidence.

Weekly Emails 

Emails every week to help keep you on track! Full of tips, tools, and updates on activities and events.

Exclusive Community

Get access to our private platform, Circle, to connect with Pat and other supportive, likeminded members!

Gaming Guild

Fun gaming events multiple times a month hosted by Gamesmaster Mike!

Watch Parties

As a Talisman, you can vote and give suggestions for our monthly watch parties! 

A testimonial card reading

🤝 Collaborate and Learn from Fellow Nerds

As a Talisman Apprentice, you have access to an exclusive community of fellow enthusiasts who share your passions.

Engage with this supportive group by participating in discussions, sharing experiences, and seeking advice.

Embrace the collective wisdom of your peers and learn from their unique perspectives.

Together, you can overcome challenges and inspire each other to reach new heights.

🎮 Leverage the Gaming Guild

The Gaming Guild, hosted by Gamesmaster Mike, provides an opportunity for you to immerse yourself in interactive experiences.

Engaging in gaming activities not only cultivates your problem-solving skills but also fosters teamwork and camaraderie. Join forces with your fellow Talisman Apprentices, strategize, and conquer virtual challenges together.

The skills you develop in the gaming world can be transferred to real-life situations, helping you overcome obstacles with confidence.

Register now!
An image of two people playing a tabletop roleplaying game.
"The meditations have been a great anchor for taking the time and space for peace, and to be in tune with myself. These periods of peace have helped to be more present, and conscious of thoughts and feelings."


"You really change my understanding of my relationship to my feelings. One of the most consequential bits of understanding in my life.
Thank you again."

-M. F.

"I greatly respect all the work you do, holding this space for the group and bringing what you've learned on your own personal journey, and how your experiences help others find their centre too."

-B. J.

Three people sitting on a couch enjoying a movie.

🍿 Enjoy Watch Parties

Participating in watch parties of your favorite shows allows you to bond with your community while indulging in the fantastic worlds of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. As you watch these stories unfold, pay attention to the characters' journeys and the lessons they learn along the way.

Discuss and analyze the themes and messages with your fellow Talisman Apprentices, extracting valuable insights that can be applied to your own personal growth.

A testimonial card reading

🧘🏽 Experience the Power of Meditation

Every Monday, join Patricia for a live guided meditation session. Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you cultivate inner peace, focus, and clarity.

By incorporating regular meditation into your routine, you'll develop resilience and the ability to navigate challenges with a calm and centered mindset.

This practice will support your personal growth journey and enhance your overall well-being.

Register now!
A testimonial card reading
Pat smiling while holding onto an old-looking pillar against a sky backdrop.

🐉 Opportunities to convene with other nerds are expensive, infrequent, and most often location-based. The Talisman Apprentice benefits are always at your fingertips!  

⭐ Are you aspiring to build confidence, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and professional success?

⭐ Do you like the idea of a fun and supportive new group of friends and enthusiasts who understand your passion and can provide guidance and encouragement?

⭐ Are you looking for practical strategies to apply the lessons learned from Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories to your own life?

⭐ Could you be seeking personal growth and development beyond the realms of fiction?

We are not JUST about having the best life, but also the best TIME of our life! Fun and nerdiness seem to be the best combo.

Register now!
"Without reservation, I recommend that others join Pat's group if you have life-goals or wants that you really desire, but which have eluded you so far."

- Anonymous 

"What I love about what you’re doing with Magical Living [is] that it can be both a platform to read, learn and reflect on what you share, and also a community of people all on their own journeys, sharing and supporting one another."

- B. J., UK

"The acceptance and positive approach of Patricia and others meant I could without judgment or shame just face me and my issues and be open and honest and deal with them."

-J. S., UK

Your Journey Awaits!

As a Talisman Apprentice, you have the opportunity to combine your love for Sci-Fi and Fantasy with personal development. Embrace the power of storytelling, collaborate with fellow enthusiasts, engage in gaming activities, enjoy watch parties, and experience the benefits of meditation.

Together, we will embark on an extraordinary journey of growth, transformation, and success.

Welcome to the Magical Living Community!
A person on top of a peak, arms raised triumphantly.
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Talisman Apprentice Monthly Plan


The Talisman’s Apprentice level is the perfect way to try out the Magical Living community. This is a way you can dip your toe in!

  • LIVE Monday Meditations with Pat in Circle
  • News & Updates with our member exclusive email

  • Exclusive Magical Living Community on our private platform, Circle.

  • The Gaming Guild hosted by Gamemaster Mike

  • Watch party every month and voting rights for the next film or show

We look forward to welcoming you, Talisman!


Magical Living Calendar of Events

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