$297.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Want MORE? Tick the checkbox to add on the VIP Magical Mastery level and receive monthly private, VIP small group meetings with Patricia.

Also includes an introductory chat, a private messaging space for VIPs, and a custom Zoom background.

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Power Your Progress Academy Payment Plan

🚀 What you'll get:

In Power Your Progress Academy:

 You’ll finally create those New habits designed for YOUR success!

 You’ll have New tools you can use forever specific for your dream goals.

 Daily short meditations to help keep you calm and focused, right in your inbox!

 Butt kicking delivered in your …inbox not actually kicking your behind (no matter how effective that might be!)

 6 Weekly Workshops focused on empowering you to skill up your achievement levels right now!

 12 Monthly Magical Moment workshops on specific personal development topics designed to boost your progress and dissolve the blocks hindering your efforts in life.

 Personal accountability in the Magical Living community with support and comradery.


...AND a full year of access to The Year of Magical Living, which gets you: 

 LIVE Monthly personal development workshops

⭐ PLUS a privatesmall group workshop every month

 LIVE Special Guest workshops 

⭐ $7500 worth of bonuses!

⭐ Live Monday Meditations with replays

⭐ Exclusive Circle Community support with Pat and members like you!

⭐ Library of meditations, special guest workshops, special resources, and more!

 Book Club, with personal growth books chosen by you 

⭐ Access to our nerd level with gaming guild and watch parties!


PLUS no-risk, no questions asked 7 day money back guarantee from the start of the program.

Click here for the full price and save!

What People Are Saying:

I took one of Pat's classes when I turned 42 and that was a big help for me... It was a good investment for me and a big step in my self improvement journey.

Steve T., USA

The acceptance and positive approach of Patricia meant I could without judgment or shame just face me and my issues and be open and honest and deal with them.

Janice Y., UK

Without reservation, I recommend that others join Pat's group if you have life-goals or wants that you really desire, but which have eluded you so far.


I gained a major insight into how my own negative assumptions and thinking was creating a negative reality. Doing positive meditations and expelling the negative thinking is creating a more confident, positive outlook.

Steve C., USA

People in my life have mentioned on more than one occasion how much happier I seem... It is impossible to fully express the impact this group has had and my gratitude to you for connecting me with the tools to make that happen.

Kaisi H., USA

I was going through feelings of dissatisfaction and confusion about what I wanted to do for a career... What gave me the final bit of courage I needed was the people in Magical Living. Their support and belief in me to find a fulfilling career path helped me keep going.

Victoria K., USA