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Welcome to

A Year of Magical Living:

The Science of Magic

A curriculum of masterclasses in personal development making your life become more fulfilling, more vibrant and into the magical adventure you deserve.
You can join classes live, interact with the community or watch classes at your convenience.

Patricia is available in our private platform for guidance and conversations throughout the year!

Please use an email you will check, because that’s where we send you links and all the goodies!
Register now!

What is Magical Living? 

It’s an online community that meets live on Zoom, or in our exclusive platform Circle, for a Masterclass on a monthly growth topic lead by Patricia Tallman. 

Patricia has curated a year of the top subjects our members have requested for growth.

We also have special guests who guide workshops and conversations on inspirational topics and tools for growth.

We have an online community with a Facebook-type layout without the distractions. It’s a place for positive support and learning! It’s also for nerdy fun with a Gaming Guild and Watch Parties of some favorite shows and films.

Now I know you have dreams. Perhaps you set some goals on New Year's Eve. They might not be feeling so fresh and exciting now. 

Instead of giving up on those goals, again, how about you get momentum and support!

In fact, how would it feel to take it to a whole new level?

At sci-fi conventions and events, folks talk to me about their struggles. Maybe because I have been through it too, and they can sense it, people really open up to me.

We love those fantastical stories and inspirational characters and want to apply their successful, amazing journeys into our own fulfilled life.

Here's what I heard:

Be Empowered, Seek Transformation, and Captain Your Own Ship!

💙 You want to feel seen and heard. You have SO MUCH inside you! Like the Tardis, you ARE bigger on the inside.

💙 You need a place where you feel accepted, and you can share your huge heart.

💙 You want to build the confidence to embark on exciting adventures!

💙 You want consistent motivation to take action even if it’s hard, to fly towards your dreams. You CAN change your reality!

💙 You want to contribute to your world; friends, family and community.

💙 You want to have clear direction for your own growth and make real, consistent progress towards whatever your goal might be!

Would you like to be at the Captain’s table, getting the guidance you need to be the Captain of your own ship?

How would you like to be part of something that is constantly being created with your input?

In Magical Living, you’ll be able to learn and try new things in a safe environment with supportive folks, like you. 

AND I listen to my Captains, so we will co create together.

Register now!

✏️Do you:

  • Take your life goals seriously and want to engage your mutant powers
  • Like using practical strategies to bring your ideas to life?
  • Sometimes wonder how you could feel more uplifted, engaged and joyful?
  • Want to integrate the inspiration and wisdom gained from Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories into your real-life situations?
  • Need to learn how to take some time every day to focus on YOU and your dream goals?
  • Consider yourself a nerd? 

🚀 Would you like to:

  • Make some simple, yet profound changes in order to be the super hero of your own life
  • Deepen your connections to those you care about?
  • Feel more vibrancy, sense of purpose, and energy in your life?
  • Learn about yourself and how to get past some old limiting beliefs and habits that don’t work for you any more?
  • Consistently and joyfully reach your dream goals? 
  • Have accountability? It’s one thing to read a book on personal growth but once you close the book, you’re on your own! When it comes time to DO IT or stay consistent, it can go sideways fast. The ML community is in it with you!

The Magical Living Community

Dear Friend, I know that sometimes for you it feels hard to connect to others

As you spend time in the masterclasses and other events, you’ll get to know the people and make your own connections. These are deeper than a more casual meeting because our topics are deeper! We cut to the important stuff! You don’t have to feel guarded, and can be more open here. 

The Magical Living community is learning and practical and also FUN! 

YOU need to have some joy and lightness in your day.

There’s enough pressure on you! 

So let’s have some fun playing games and watching the shows we love, cracking jokes we all get and cheering each other on!

🎥 You can always watch replays if the class that day isn’t convenient for you! 🎥

How It Works

This Year's theme is called The Science of Magic. The human body and brain are so amazing. We have incredible possibilities built right in. Once you understand how the brain works, you can create your life in a way that will feel like magic!

✏️ Everything is stored in your course library on our own platform, for easy access. We have all the class replays and resources there for the members to access at any time.

✏️ No Travel Required. We are Online, LIVE with replays.

✏️ Personalize your curriculum! I provide guides depending on your focus. Plus we have classes live every month.

✏️ Learn at Your Own Pace. I LOVE to have you in class live, but you can learn at your own pace. Watch replays when it works for you.

✏️ You can take the time you need to engage with the masterclasses and events. I am always available to answer questions, and the community contributes TONS of support.

🎥 You can always watch replays if the class that day isn’t convenient for you! 🎥

An Easy Schedule

We have a whole month to spend on each topic and related trainings. There’s a masterclass, live on zoom the first Saturday of the month. 

The next Saturday is the Q&A live with Patricia.

We have special guests who share on their topics of expertise.

There are always replays that never expire. You can go back and revisit anything at any time!

😛 No pressure! We all have enough pressure these days. 

Check out the Foundational Curriculum ⬇️

Register now!

PLUS Over $7500 in Bonuses

💸 The Magical Vault! A HUGE library of events-Special Guest workshops replays, Masterclass replays Over 200 guided Meditations , and more...

💸 NEW Morning and Evening Mindset and Gratitude journal


💸 NEW Sidewalk oracles: Finding your next right step (New Course coming soon!)


💸 Support in the community from Patricia and Fantastic friends

💸 Plus Future membership at a massive discount! And make money for referrals!

Register now!

Look, real talk now.

What is it costing you NOT to have the life of your dreams?

Do you know how precious your TIME is? We can make money but we cannot make more TIME. 

Self doubt, lack of direction and meaningful support is costing you years of your life.

What if you had a way of finding that next right step?

What if you could really believe in yourself and your abilities to create an adventurous life?

Do you feel hopeless about making any kind of changes, even small ones because it just won’t make enough of a difference?

Everyday you are wasting precious time not going for a goal or doing something you really want to do because of all the circumstances and reasons you can list. 

But what if you could understand ways to work with your circumstances differently?

What if you could see the obstacles for what they are, and how to dissolve and remove them?

🔎 If this is interesting you enough to keep reading,


🔎 that’s a sign you might need what I have to offer:


The Year of Magical Living: The Science of Magic

Find supportive people, practical strategies, and sources of inspiration 

We are INUNDATED in the world today! Most of us crave a positive connection to others but there is such NOISE online! 

How do we cut through it and find the community we desire, that understand and support without the added pressure of tiptoeing around people’s “stuff”?

Where can we go to soak up some inspiration without the distraction on social media?

Is there a place that curates great information from many sources without feeling scattered across different platforms?

When I was struggling

and knew I had to make some huge upheavals in my life to survive, there wasn’t a clear path. 

There was all that noise about "take my course", and quick fix promises. 

When I opened the social media apps, there was spewing and anger, or the opposite, people having this dream life. I was trying to heal my heart and anger wasn’t helping. I couldn’t imagine how to even have a dream because I was so broke, exhausted and lonely.

It took me a dozen years and SO much money, I mean SOOOOOO much, to finally really thrive in life again.

It has become my heartfelt mission to help others create a life they are thrilled to live without going through what I did.

I am curating the best info, organizing it, and sharing it with you, in a fun and nerdy way.

Magical Living is saving you countless hours, months, years of PRECIOUS time and (believe me!) a ton of money!

Register now!

Praise for Patricia Tallman's Magical Living

...Things feel like they're already starting to happen. I chose to work on career and finances. Already a new opportunity for side income popped up.

 -Kaisi H., USA

Benefits of being a part of Patricia Tallman's Magical Living:


- I can be myself and I get inspiration to be the best part of myself 


- Get actionable recommendations to make life more meaningful and how to set a course to success. 


- Works for my busy schedule and meditation on Mondays give a big stress relief.


- It’s easy to use! 


- It's not a cookie cutter program that is created for the masses, Pat Tallman provides individualized guidance. 


- I feel surrounded by great folks and a very kind and empathic Coach Pat."


- Christian M, Germany

"I'm happy being a supporter and part of this community! I greatly respect all the work you do, holding this space for the group and bringing what you've learned on your own personal journey, and how your experiences help others find their centre too. I'm sure you're a conduit for the universe; there's been a fair amount of meditations where your choice of words has been particularly prescient, or reflected something within myself!"


 -Bron, UK

I gained a major insight into how my own negative assumptions and thinking was creating a negative reality. Doing positive meditations and expelling the negative thinking is creating a more confident, positive outlook.

 -Steve C., USA

If you want more Clarity: 

❓ On what you really want.

❓ On what is your purpose and path.

❓ On how you could improve the quality of every day.

❓ On what's in your way.

❓ On the steps you can take that really work.

...then this is for you.

You can:

✅ Master your mindset! Develop a resilient and growth-oriented mindset that allows you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals!

✅ Build meaningful relationships: Connect with like-minded people who share your passion for personal development and sci-fi.

✅ Achieve success in your career: Advance in your current job or start your own business!

✅ Cultivate a healthy and balanced lifestyle: Prioritize your physical and mental well-being, incorporate exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness practices into your daily routine.

✅ Embrace your inner creativity: You’ll be encouraged and empowered to express your unique ideas and talents through creative outlets, such as Travel, LARPing, writing, art, gaming or cosplay!

Magical Living helps you to focus, build a map for your path and Captain your ship!


🧭Join the adventure!


Would you like to join a gathering of incredible people who enjoy getting the most out of their lives?


 You can take your time, and get to know each other.


I’m there with you along the way.

Your Guide Patricia

Greetings! I’m Patricia Tallman.

I’m a woman on a mission to help you live a gorgeous fulfilling life, that feels like one big magical adventure!

And you’ll be with me, live in person on zoom, several times a month. 

I’ve been an actor and a stunt woman. Some of you may know my acting career, in sci-fi and horror movies.

But most of you are meeting me for the first time.

I am a huge nerd.

I grew up loving science fiction like Star Trek, Doctor Who, Star Wars! In between were all the Tolkien books, and now those films too. I relate to those stories and have always wanted to go on an adventure, like Bilbo!

I LOVE the idea of magic, that by focus and intention I could actually create the things and events I wanted.

It turns out that we CAN.

I became an actor, then a stunt woman.


I was working really hard, because I love what I do.

And then I had a series of events in my life that were kinda like the middle of the film where everything goes to shit and all hope seems to be lost. I was Frodo at his lowest but I had no Sam to carry me along.

I followed that still, quiet instinct of survival (I can teach you how) that led me to meeting and studying with some incredible coaches such as Martha Beck, Brendon Burchard, and studying the work of many others: Mel Robbins, Tony Robbins, among many other fantastic people for emotional, business and spiritual growth. 

And damn if it didn’t work. Well not all of it, which is why I say I curated the info, lessons and tools to be the ones that really WORKED.

After teaching and creating workshops and masterclasses for the past decade, I bring my experience and all my mentors' wisdom to the Magical Living Community.

What led an actor/stunt person into the world of personal development?

A massive desire to help people reconnect to their dreams and to feel the magic that life has to offer.

In our lifetime, never has the need been greater to help ourselves find our way through insane amounts of chaos, stress and anxiety.

I am putting everything I have into transformational classes, workshops, retreats and building a community to give you, my friend, a magical platform to leap into the universe from!

And doing it I am! (Yoda voice)

If this sounds interesting to you, I would LOVE you to join me!

Let me answer some common comments I get about what I am doing.

🔊 "It sounds woo woo and weird." 

Answer: ✅ I think that weird is a plus! I like that it sounds mystical and magical because I love those stories and images. In fact, it’s all very science based. We mix it up to make it FUN. We become the witches and wizards of our own lives!

And for you Ravenclaws, there’s a LOT of Brain Science, what I call #BFFs or Brain Fun Facts, the insight into our physiology, psychology, and how we can hack it to make life ROCK.

🔊 "I think Personal development is BS." 

Answer: If you REALLY believe that, then this is probably not for you. But because you read this far, I think you might be curious.

What is Personal Development?

Personal Development is the process of a human being growing, changing, and becoming more advanced, like Luke Skywalker and Bilbo.

Personal development is the Hero's Journey: changing your mindset and learning about your psychology and physiology in order to improve aspects of your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual state. 

This is your Call To Adventure! Don’t refuse it! Characters who Refuse the Call, have no story to tell after them. YOU DO! What makes the character a HERO is that they push through the obstacles and keep going. You met the Mentor! Now it’s time to embark on your journey.

When you understand that you possess the power to change one or many things about your life, it gives you new motivation and energy. 

I’m here to teach you the most effective tools and practice them until you have healthy habits that support your growth.

🔊"It’s just another program." 

Answer: ✅ This is specifically for nerds like you and me, and I have filtered out what doesn’t work. I’ve curated the best of the best, because we nerds are SMART!

We talk sci-fi and fantasy, and use terms we all love AND crack jokes we all get.
And it’s fun. The people are fun, the ideas are cool and we celebrate each other. It’s fun when you hit milestones! It’s fun when you succeed. It feels good to hit goals.

You’ll feel more at home with all of us sharing similar interests other groups wouldn’t get. And honestly, other programs move a lot slower. The pacing goes to the level you're ready for.

🔊 "I won’t do it."

Answer: ✅ Yes you will!

You’ll get weekly emails from us with links to make it easy. 

I’m live and I look at your face, & I want you to show up.

You’ll meet people you’ll like and want to hang out.

You’ve invested and that means something! Research shows when you invest in yourself you are much more likely to show up.

We have bonuses that teach on Motivation, how to manage your time in a way that works for you, and Habit building. And you will be in a group doing the same thing. It really helps!

As you experience the magic of the science, and the tools, it gets to be interesting, and then actually fun. So you want to do it! You’ll see.

🔊 "I don't have the Time."

Answer: ✅ Your time is valuable! And I know how busy your life can be. You may feel that you don't have enough time to dedicate to personal development activities or program.

The structure of the content gives you LOTS of time. It’s available to you for a YEAR. And we go through it LIVE together, or you can work ahead.

I curate the most powerful tools I have tried and tested.

Overwhelm is a major player in our post-pandemic lives. It functions as an indicator that we need to release old habits that do not further our dreams and mental well being and deploy new skills. We teach you how to maximize your health and progress. Choose what works for you.

We can help you be organized in all areas of your life. Let go of what isn’t serving you and heal where you may be using distractions to stuff your feelings like watching hours and hours of TV or social media.

Please read the next point.

🔊 "It’s too expensive."

Answer: ✅ What you are really saying is your life isn’t worth it. What is it costing you not to make some changes? Life is flat, not sassy, and it’s all gray, no rainbows. Or maybe you have goals…how long have you had those goals? How long are you going to wait to make them so? Another year?

Do you know how precious your TIME is? We can make money but we cannot make more TIME. Stop wasting your life! If this isn’t the right thing for you, fine! But then find what WILL work for you and DO it! 

When you progress in your growth goals, you can change your money reality.

Perhaps it’s really more about making CHANGES. That’s fucking scary because it means upheaval. It could mean ending relationships, quitting something that isn’t working  (I have a masterclass on that in the resources), or other horrendous tasks.

In the back of the mind could be the Face of Fear™ on how hard things will be to change, all that you would have to do. You might not believe you are up for such a challenge. What if you could make some changes that weren't so confronting? 

That’s what we do all the time in Magical Living. We look at what Change is asking of us and decide if it’s what we truly want. If not, what’s the right thing to do? You are never alone and have us to walk through all this with.

There is a Money Course bonus too!

Let me answer some common comments I get about what I am doing.

🔊 "It sounds woo woo and weird." 

Answer: ✅ I think that weird is a plus! I like that it sounds mystical and magical because I love those stories and images. In fact, it’s all very science based. But that’s not as exciting to me, so we mix it up. We become the witches and wizards of our own lives!

And for you Ravenclaws, there’s a LOT of Brain Science, what I call #BFFs or Brain Fun Facts, the insight into our physiology, psychology, and how we can hack it to make life ROCK.

🔊 "I think Personal development is BS." 

Answer: If you REALLY believe that, then this is probably not for you. But because you read this far, I think you might be curious.

What is Personal Development?

Personal Development is the process of a human being of growing, changing, and becoming more advanced.

Personal development is about changing your mindset and learning about your psychology and physiology in order to improve aspects of your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual state. 

When you understand that you possess the power to change one or many things about your life, it gives you new motivation and energy. 

I’m here to teach you the most effective tools and practice them until you have healthy habits that support your growth.

🔊"It’s just another program." 

Answer: ✅ Yeah I thought you might say that. Well Bub, it ain’t. I worked my ass off and took tons of fancy courses and hired expensive coaches like my life depended on it, because it did. 

What I learned I curated for you, filtering out all the crap that didn’t work. 

And I make it funner. 

🔊 "I won’t do it."

Answer: ✅ Yes you will!

You’ll get weekly emails from us with links to make it easy. 

I’m live and I look at your face, & I want you to show up.

You’ll meet people you’ll like and want to hang out.

You’ve invested and that means something!

As you experience the magic of the science, and the tools, it gets to be interesting, and then actually fun. You’ll see.

🔊 "I don't have the Time."

Answer: ✅ Your time is valuable! And I know how busy your life can be.

So I stretched out the content to give you LOTS of time.

It’s available to you for a YEAR. And we go through it together or you can work ahead.

Up to you.

🔊 "It’s too expensive."

Answer: ✅ What you are really saying is your life isn’t worth it. What is it costing you not to make some changes? Life is flat, not sassy, and it’s all gray, no rainbows. Or maybe you have goals…how long have you had those goals? How long are you going to wait to make them so? Another year?

Do you know how precious your TIME is? We can make money but we cannot make more TIME. Stop wasting your life! If this isn’t the right thing for you, fine! But then find what WILL work for you and DO it! 

Perhaps it’s really more about making CHANGES. That’s fucking scary because it means upheaval. It could mean ending relationships, quitting something that isn’t working  (I have a masterclass on that in the resources), or other horrendous tasks.

In the back of the mind could be the Face of Fear™ on how hard things will be to change, all that you would have to do. You might not believe you are up for such a challenge. What if you could make some changes that weren't so confronting? 

That’s what we do all the time in Magical Living. We look at what Change is asking of us and decide if it’s what we truly want. If not, what’s the right thing to do? You are never alone and have us to walk through all this with.

Let me ask you this: 

What would your life look like if you made progress to those dream goals?

How would you walk, dress, talk, celebrate?

Imagine it.

Take some deep breaths and let yourself relax. 

One of your mutant powers:  Using the Power of your Imagination, imagine yourself in the near future, having met some of the goals you dream about.

Imagine it’s the end of this year and you are celebrating with some near and dear people saying “Holy Smokes what a great year! "

I am so happy I did ____! 

And made this happen ____! 

And then we went here ____! 

What a wonderful time! I actually got this done ____. 

I Created this ____ and it was successful! 

I am so in love with my life!

What would you need in order to make this vision come true?

Some tools? Some support? A place to learn and grow and ask questions? 

I’m whispering in your ear *Magical Living*! (Yoda voice)

Over $7500 in Bonuses and value:

 $5000 value in events library - Special Guest workshops replays, Masterclass replays and more...

$197 value in Morning and Evening Mindset and Gratitude journal

$1000 value in Over 200 guided Meditations

Priceless! Support with Pat in the community

Priceless! Fantastic friends

Register now!

A Whole amazing Magical Year is



This price will only go up from here as more workshops and resources get added!

Choose your payment plan below!


Click the button below to join! You won't be charged until after you agree to pay on the following page.

Save $567!

Click the button below to join! You won't be charged until after you agree to pay on the following page.


Our Promise

Try us for 14 days

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

I am confident that you’ll love this program of The Science of Magic™ and it will magicalize  your life… but if you’re feeling uncertain, you can rest assured that I have an iron-clad guarantee that makes this a 100% no-risk investment.

If, after two weeks in the program and our community, you decide that it’s not for you, just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your tuition – no questions asked, no hard feelings, nothing but well wishes. 

That’s how confident I am in the quality of this program!

I want you to feel so freaking good about making this investment in yourself and your future. So if you try it out and it isn’t for you, just let us know.

Join now and feel confident in your decision with my 14-day guarantee.


I took one of Pat's classes when I turned 42 and that was a big help for me. I never really took the time to figure out what I wanted, you know? It was a good investment for me and a big step in my self improvement.

- S. R.

You have helped me get myself moving on my writing and to look at the underlying causes of my paralysis. The meditations have really been a help in relaxing and reflection.

- F.H.

The work we do challenges me to look at where I am, and what I do and if it's working and where I need to change things.


- F. L. B.

Register now!

Victoria's Story

"Since joining Magical Living, I’ve been learning how to overcome obstacles through the tools and workshops Patricia has taught our group, to think and make decisions by considering my feelings and what I want, and how to trust people and open up a little. It all takes time to learn,... but everyone in the group is incredibly encouraging and supportive. They can give you the boost you need to keep going, and they’ll be there even if you tumble.


A few months after joining Magical Living, this group helped me make a big decision. Middle of 2021, I was going through feelings of dissatisfaction and confusion about what I wanted to do for a career. I was trying to choose between staying at a college I was no longer benefiting from for two more years or attending a whole new school in a whole new state. The new school was Tom Savini’s Special Effects Makeup Program. Special effects makeup was something I enjoyed doing a lot, but during that time I didn’t know if I could ever be good enough to pursue a career in it. After a while of meditation, chatting with the universe, and chatting to myself with kindness and understanding, I was almost confident in what I wanted. What gave me the final bit of courage I needed was the people in Magical Living. Their support and belief in me to find a fulfilling career path helped me keep going. It means a lot to me that I know this group is here to help me when I’m unsure or feeling down."

Register now!

Victoria's Story

"Since joining Magical Living, I’ve been learning how to overcome obstacles through the tools and workshops Patricia has taught our group, to think and make decisions by considering my feelings and what I want, and how to trust people and open up a little. It all takes time to learn,... but everyone in the group is incredibly encouraging and supportive. They can give you the boost you need to keep going, and they’ll be there even if you tumble.


A few months after joining Magical Living, this group helped me make a big decision. Middle of 2021, I was going through feelings of dissatisfaction and confusion about what I wanted to do for a career. I was trying to choose between staying at a college I was no longer benefiting from for two more years or attending a whole new school in a whole new state. The new school was Tom Savini’s Special Effects Makeup Program. Special effects makeup was something I enjoyed doing a lot, but during that time I didn’t know if I could ever be good enough to pursue a career in it. After a while of meditation, chatting with the universe, and chatting to myself with kindness and understanding, I was almost confident in what I wanted. What gave me the final bit of courage I needed was the people in Magical Living. Their support and belief in me to find a fulfilling career path helped me keep going. It means a lot to me that I know this group is here to help me when I’m unsure or feeling down."

Register now!

This is not for you if… 


My services do not replace those of a licensed doctor, psychiatrist, or other medical professional. As such, I am not qualified to help those who are struggling with addiction, serious disabilities, or untreated mental illness.


Additionally, if you face developmental, behavioral, or similar challenges that may interfere with your ability to participate with the necessary degree of self-sufficiently, please seek out the specialized professionals and groups that can serve you better than I am currently able to!  

Your Magical Living Membership Will Include

LIVE Monthly personal development workshops

⭐ PLUS a private, small group workshop every month

LIVE Special Guest workshops 

$7500 worth of bonuses!

⭐ Live Monday Meditations with replays

Exclusive Circle Community support with Pat and members like you!

⭐ Library of meditations, special guest workshops, special resources, and more!

Book Club, with personal growth books chosen by you 

⭐ Access to our nerd level with gaming guild and watch parties!

AND After your 12 months are completed and you get your scroll, you can remain a part of the community and have access to the materials for only $497 a year!

Register now!

Your Membership Will Include

LIVE Monthly personal development workshops

⭐ PLUS a private, small group workshop every month

LIVE Special Guest workshops 

$7500 worth of bonuses!

⭐ Live Monday Meditations with replays

Exclusive Circle Community support with Pat and members like you!

⭐ Library of meditations, special guest workshops, special resources, and more!

Book Club, with personal growth books chosen by you 

⭐ Access to our nerd level with gaming guild 

⭐ And watch parties!

Register now!